Mastering NSG/517AD : Excelling in Practicum II at University of Phoenix- A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering NSG/517AD: Excelling in Practicum II – A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on NSG/517AD: Practicum II is more than just another step in your nursing education; it’s a leap towards becoming the nurse you’ve always aspired to be. This phase of your journey is where the rubber meets the road, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills in a real-world healthcare setting. It’s exciting, daunting, and, yes, a bit overwhelming. But fear not! With the right approach, you can navigate this practicum with grace and come out on the other side more skilled, confident, and ready for the challenges of the nursing world.

The Blueprint for Success

*Embrace the Learning Mindset*: First and foremost, enter your practicum with an open mind and the willingness to learn. Remember, every day is a learning opportunity. You’re there to absorb as much as you can from experienced professionals, your peers, and even the patients you’ll care for.

Set Clear Objectives

Begin with the end in mind. What skills do you want to master? Which areas of nursing are you keen to explore? Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can provide direction and focus to your practicum experience.

Effective Communication is Key

: As a practicum student, you’ll interact with a diverse team of healthcare professionals and patients. Honing your communication skills is crucial. Be clear, concise, and professional in your interactions. Remember, effective communication also involves active listening.

Seek Feedback and Reflect:

Don’t shy away from feedback. Constructive criticism is a goldmine for improvement. Reflect on the feedback, identify areas for growth, and act on it. Self-reflection is equally important; regularly assess your progress towards your goals and adjust your strategies as needed.

Document Your Journey

Keeping a detailed journal of your experiences can be incredibly beneficial. Note the skills you’ve practiced, the challenges you’ve faced, and the insights you’ve gained. This will not only aid in reflection but also serve as a valuable resource for future learning and job interviews.

Prioritize Self-Care

Practicum can be intense, and burnout is real. Remember to take care of yourself—both physically and mentally. Eat well, get enough rest, and find time to relax and recharge. Your health is your greatest asset.

Leveraging Resources and Support

*Tap into Your Support Network*: Whether it’s fellow students, mentors, or faculty, don’t underestimate the power of support. Lean on your network for advice, encouragement, and moral support. Networking can also open doors to future career opportunities.

*Utilize Online and Offline Resources*: From textbooks and journals to online forums and workshops, resources abound. Stay curious and proactive in seeking knowledge and enhancing your skills.

Master Time

Management*: Balancing the demands of your practicum with personal life requires stellar time management. Develop a schedule that allows you to maximize your practicum experience while also attending to your well-being.

The Final Stretch: Wrapping Up Your Practicum with Finesse

As you approach the end of your Practicum II, it’s time to consolidate your learning, gather feedback, and reflect on your growth. Seek out a final evaluation session with your supervisor to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Also, consider how you can maintain the professional relationships you’ve built during this time. These connections can be invaluable as you advance in your nursing career.

Frequently Asked Questions

– What should I do if I encounter a situation I’m unprepared for during my practicum?

Embrace it as a learning opportunity. Ask questions, seek guidance from your supervisor or a mentor, and reflect on the experience to better prepare for similar situations in the future.

– How can I make a good impression during my practicum?

Show eagerness to learn, demonstrate professionalism, be proactive in taking on tasks, and always be respectful to everyone you interact with.

– Can practicum experiences influence my career path in nursing?

Absolutely! Practicums can expose you to various specialties within nursing, helping you discover areas you’re passionate about and may want to pursue further.


NSG/517AD: Practicum II is a significant milestone in your nursing education, offering a unique blend of challenges and opportunities for growth. By approaching it with the right mindset, strategies, and tools, you can maximize your practicum experience and lay a strong foundation for your future in nursing. Remember, the journey doesn’t end here; it’s just the beginning of a rewarding career dedicated to caring for others. So go ahead, embrace this experience, and let it shape you into the competent, compassionate nurse you’re destined to be.

Navigating your Practicum II with confidence and skill isn’t just about passing a course; it’s about building the foundation of your nursing career. Here’s to your success, every step of the way!

For more insights and resources on excelling in your nursing practicum and beyond, don’t forget to check out [relevant online resources] and [professional nursing organizations]. These platforms can offer additional support, guidance, and opportunities for professional development as you continue your journey in nursing.

This guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to tackle NSG/517AD: Practicum II head-on. Remember, this practicum is a stepping stone to your future success in nursing. With dedication, resilience, and the right approach, you’ll not only excel in this course but also pave the way for a fulfilling nursing career. Keep learning, stay inspired, and let your passion for nursing light the way.

NSG/517AD: Practicum II - Unveiling the Course Content for Success

NSG/517AD: Practicum II - Unveiling the Course Content for Success

NSG/517AD: Practicum II – Navigating the Course Content for University of Phoenix Students

Embarking on NSG/517AD: Practicum II at the University of Phoenix is a significant step in mastering the practical skills essential for the nursing profession, especially for students in the Master of Nursing programs. This course, along with its precursor NSG/516, forms the capstone experience, guiding students through various stages of their practicum project. Let’s break down the course content, including the syllabus, course guide, and grading rubrics, to give you a clear roadmap for success.

NSG/517AD Course Syllabus

**Course Information**

– **Description**: NSG/517AD, alongside NSG/516, is designed to shepherd students through the practicum project’s stages: needs assessment, development plan, implementation, deconstruction, evaluation, and dissemination.
– **Credits**: 3
– **Materials**:
– Textbook: Sipes, C. (2020). Project management for the advanced practice nurse (2nd ed.). Springer.
– Tools: Typhon™, Google Sites™

**Course Learning Outcomes**

Throughout this course, you will:
1. **Analyze** current global, national, and local nursing issues relevant to your clinical project.
2. **Describe** the necessity of interprofessional collaborative practice.
3. **Develop** a plan for evaluating and disseminating your clinical project findings.

**Schedule Overview**

– Weekly assignments and activities are structured to progressively build your project management and evaluation skills, culminating in the presentation and dissemination of your project results.

NSG/517AD Course Guide

The course guide emphasizes the continuation of the practicum project from NSG/516AD, focusing on implementation, monitoring, and outcome evaluation. It prepares students to adjust project strategies for improved outcomes and emphasizes the importance of disseminating results within the nursing field.

**Key Components:**

– **About Practicum II**: A detailed overview of the course’s intent, structure, and expected outcomes.
– **Textbook and Tools**: Essential resources to support your learning and project development.
– **Course Resources**: Additional support services including Typhon support, plagiarism tools, and academic resources.

NSG/517AD Grading Rubrics

Grading in NSG/517AD is comprehensive, reflecting your progression in understanding and applying course concepts through:

  1. ePortfolio and Project Updates

  2. -Project Deliverables and Success Evaluation

  3. – **Adherence to SQUIRE Guidelines**

    – **Summative Assessments**: Including project outcomes, final report, presentation to stakeholders, and a reflective practicum summary.

**Assignments and Points**: Each week’s tasks are clearly outlined, specifying discussions, project updates, and summative assessments to ensure you understand the criteria for success and how your work will be evaluated.

Optimizing Success in NSG/517AD at the University of Phoenix

To excel in NSG/517AD, engagement with all course components is crucial. The syllabus, course guide, and grading rubrics offer a comprehensive framework to understand expectations and how to meet them. Here are a few strategies:

Stay Organized:

Keep track of deadlines and requirements for each week’s assignments.
– **Engage Deeply**: Utilize the textbook, Typhon™, and Google Sites™ to support your practicum project.
– **Seek Feedback**: Use the grading rubrics as a self-assessment tool to guide your work and seek constructive feedback from instructors.
– **Network and Collaborate**: Engage with peers and faculty for insights and support throughout your practicum experience.


NSG/517AD: Practicum II is a pivotal course in the University of Phoenix’s Master of Nursing programs, designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the nursing field. By thoroughly engaging with the course syllabus, guide, and grading rubrics, students can navigate this challenging course with confidence, developing skills that will serve them well in their future nursing careers. Remember, success in NSG/517AD lies in active participation, ongoing reflection, and the effective application of course materials and feedback.

This comprehensive breakdown of the NSG/517AD course at the University of Phoenix provides a clear pathway for students to navigate through the course content, understand the grading criteria, and utilize available resources for optimal success in their practicum and beyond.

Week 1: Get Organized. Week 1 overview

In this course, you will complete the practicum project that you began in NSG/516AD. During that course, you completed the design and planning phases of the project lifecycle. Now your focus will be on completing the implementation, monitoring, and project close phases. The implementation and monitoring phases are to be done synchronously.

To give you a general timeline for the course, the implementation and monitoring phases of your project must be completed by Week 4, when the project close phase commences, and you are to evaluate your project.

In addition to completing the project management components of your practicum project, in this course you will also focus on the ancillary activities that accompany this type of project: project presentation and dissemination. A project does not end when you have completed the project close phase of the project management lifecycle. Presenting the results of your project is just as important as conducting the project itself. Who will benefit from the time and energy you put into your project will depend on whether you share the results of your project and on how effectively you present the results of your project. There are several ways to communicate your project results (oral presentations, poster presentations, scholarly papers, etc.).

This week, you will create an ePortfolio based on what you have done thus far, which you will then finalize in Week 6. Start your professional portfolio, which you will be able to use to highlight your accomplishments in completing your practicum project.

Typhon Forms

The following forms are due by the end of Week 1 and are to be submitted in Typhon:

  • Practicum Agreement and Project Action Plan (requires mentor signature) – Only the Action Plan portion of this document will change from the one approved in NSG/516AD. 
  • Agency Permission Agreement (all students) – Only if you have changed your practicum site (requires faculty approval). 

You cannot complete any practicum hours until all the required documents have been received and approved in Typhon. 

Note: Completing practicum hours prior to receiving approval of the required documents is a violation of professional standards.

Practicum Hours

Record your practicum hours in Typhon.

Practicum hours should be logged as they are completed each day.

Thirty (30) validated practicum hours are required to meet the course objectives. Incomplete practicum hours or failure to meet course objectives will result in course failure.

Mentor Consultations

You are required to meet with your mentor weekly to discuss the progress of your project and your weekly assignments. Following each meeting, you will write a summary of what you discussed with your mentor, any advice or guidance they provided, and anything else that was relevant to your project on the Mentor Meeting Summary template. Each week you will add the summary for that week’s meeting to the form and submit it along with your assignment. In Week 6 you will upload the form to Typhon.

Review the following during this week’s consultation:

  • Project Action Plan
  • Practicum Hours Log
  • The status of your project and all progress you have made since NSG/516AD
  • This week’s assignment and its rubric
Practicum Site Presentation Planning 

The Week 6 Summative Assessment: Stakeholder Presentation, Dissemination Plan, e-Portfolio, and Practicum Reflection assignment involves the presentation of your practicum project final report at your site to as many project stakeholders as possible. 

Make any arrangements that are needed to secure a location at your site for your presentation and at a time that will be convenient for most of the stakeholders. Ensure your presentation is completed by the end of Week 6. 

If you are unable to set up your presentation or are having problems in doing so, let your instructor know by the end of Week 3 so you can be provided with alternative instructions that will still allow you to make your presentation to faculty members from the College of Nursing. 

Wk 1 Discussion - Methods for Gaining Stakeholder Support and Buy-in

Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. 


Due Thursday 

As you begin implementation of your project, consider the tasks and deliverables that need to be developed for the best practices identified in your implementation plan in NSG/516AD. Consider the barriers to change that may be anticipated from stakeholders. 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words and supported by 1 scholarly reference:  

  • What methods will you use to introduce your best practice deliverables and kick off your project that will create support and buy-in from stakeholders?

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member with a minimum of 150 words and supported by 1 scholarly reference for your posts. Be constructive and professional.


Week 1-eportfolio and project update

Week 1 in Focus: Launching Your ePortfolio and Project Update in NSG/517AD”

Kickstarting NSG/517AD at University of Phoenix: ePortfolio & Project Updates in Week 1″




As you step into the world of NSG/517AD: Practicum II at the University of Phoenix, Week 1 serves as the foundational pillar for your upcoming practicum journey. This initial week is strategically designed to get you started on two critical components: setting up your ePortfolio and delivering your first project update. These tasks are not just introductory steps but are integral to your learning and professional development throughout the course.

Understanding the ePortfolio

An ePortfolio is a dynamic, digital compilation of your work, reflections, and achievements throughout your practicum experience. It serves multiple purposes:

  • Showcases Your Work: It provides a platform to present your practicum project work and achievements to instructors, peers, and future employers.
  • Facilitates Reflection: It encourages continuous reflection on your learning and project progress, helping to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
  • Documents Your Journey: It acts as a comprehensive record of your learning journey, including project updates, milestones achieved, and skills developed.

Initiating Your Project Update

The project update in Week 1 is your opportunity to outline your practicum project’s scope, objectives, and planned activities. It’s a critical communication tool that allows you to share your project vision and initial plans with instructors and peers, opening the door for feedback, support, and collaboration.

Strategies for Week 1 Success

Maximizing the impact of your ePortfolio and project update requires thoughtful preparation and engagement. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Start with a Plan: Before diving into the ePortfolio creation, outline what you want to include. Consider sections for your project proposal, objectives, weekly reflections, and any artifacts or evidence of your work and learning.
  • Be Reflective: Approach your project update with a reflective mindset. Clearly articulate your project’s goals, the rationale behind it, and how it aligns with your learning objectives in NSG/517AD.
  • Engage with Resources: Utilize the University of Phoenix’s resources to enhance your ePortfolio and project update. This might include workshops on digital literacy, consultations with your instructor, or leveraging online tools and platforms recommended in the course, such as Typhon™ and Google Sites™.
  • Seek Feedback Early: Don’t wait until you’ve finalized your ePortfolio or project update to seek feedback. Share your drafts with peers or instructors to gain insights and suggestions for improvement.

Leveraging Your ePortfolio and Project Update

Your ePortfolio and initial project update are more than just Week 1 tasks; they are foundational elements of your practicum experience. They provide a structured way to showcase your growth, communicate your project’s progress, and reflect on your learning journey. By engaging with these tasks thoughtfully, you set the stage for a successful practicum project and take a significant step forward in your professional development.


Week 2- Project deliverables

Week 2 Overview 

Wk 2 Discussion – Monitoring Key Performance Indicators and Oversight [due Thurs]

Discussion Topic

Wk 3 – SQUIRE Guidelines [due Mon]

Decoding Week 3: A Deep Dive into the SQUIRE Guidelines in NSG/517AD

Week 3 of NSG/517AD: Practicum II at the University of Phoenix serves as a pivotal juncture in the journey of nursing students, especially those embarking on their practicum projects. This week is dedicated to understanding and applying the Standards for QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) Guidelines, an essential framework for documenting and disseminating the outcomes of quality improvement projects in healthcare. Here’s why mastering the SQUIRE Guidelines is crucial and how they can enhance your practicum project.

Understanding the SQUIRE Guidelines

The SQUIRE Guidelines are designed to enhance the clarity, transparency, and usefulness of literature related to healthcare improvement. They help students and professionals alike to systematically report on the design, implementation, and outcomes of their quality improvement efforts, ensuring that the knowledge gained can be shared and applied in other contexts. These guidelines are not just a checklist but a roadmap for creating meaningful, impactful narratives around quality improvement projects.

Applying the SQUIRE Guidelines in Your Practicum Project

In Week 3 of NSG/517AD, you’ll delve deep into how these guidelines can be applied to your practicum project. Here are some key areas where the SQUIRE Guidelines can make a difference:

  • Problem Identification: Clearly articulating the specific issue your project aims to address, grounded in evidence and the current context of the problem.
  • Intervention Design and Implementation: Describing the rationale, planning, and execution of your intervention, including how it is tailored to address the identified problem.
  • Evaluation of Outcomes: Systematically measuring the impact of your intervention, detailing both the expected and unexpected outcomes, and the methods used for evaluation.
  • Reflection and Learning: Reflecting on what was learned through the project, including successes, failures, and the knowledge gained that could benefit future projects.

The Importance of Week 3 and the SQUIRE Guidelines

Week 3 is not just about learning what the SQUIRE Guidelines are but understanding how to effectively apply them to your work. This understanding is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhancing Project Quality: By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure your project is not only effective but also well-documented and understandable to others.
  • Improving Communication: Clearly reported projects can inspire, inform, and instruct others in the nursing field, contributing to overall improvements in healthcare quality.
  • Fostering Professional Growth: The process of applying the SQUIRE Guidelines helps develop critical thinking, project management, and scholarly writing skills, invaluable in any nursing career.

Strategies for Success

To make the most of Week 3 and effectively incorporate the SQUIRE Guidelines into your practicum project, consider the following strategies:

  • Engage with Resources: Utilize the University of Phoenix’s library resources and your textbook to gain a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines.
  • Practical Application: Apply what you learn immediately to your project, whether in the planning, implementation, or evaluation stages.
  • Seek Feedback: Discuss your application of the SQUIRE Guidelines with instructors or peers for constructive feedback and insights.
  • Reflect and Adapt: Use the guidelines as a tool for reflection, continuously seeking ways to improve your project and its impact.


Week 3 of NSG/517AD at the University of Phoenix is more than just a curriculum requirement; it’s an opportunity to master a set of guidelines that can significantly enhance the quality and impact of healthcare improvement projects. By understanding and applying the SQUIRE Guidelines, you’re not just advancing your own education and career; you’re contributing to the broader goal of improving healthcare outcomes through quality improvement. Embrace this week as a chance to develop skills that will serve you well beyond your time at the University of Phoenix and into your professional nursing career.


Wk 4 Discussion – Abstracts [due Thurs]
Wk 4 Overview
Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: Project Outcomes and Practicum Project Final Report [due Mon]


Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Abstracts are a required component of presenting or publishing your work. An abstract is a complete but concise description of your entire project. You will identify the purpose, significance, and results of the project. Answering these questions will provide you with a guide for creating your presentation in Week 5 and help you write your Practicum Project Final Report.

Review “Call for Abstracts: Are You Ready?” and Poster Abstracts as Presented at the 2016 KNA Convention Poster Presentation from the Week 4 University Library readings

Due Thursday

Develop and post an abstract of not more than 250 words for the oral presentation of your practicum project. Follow the guidelines for presentation abstracts as defined in the above articles. Your abstract cannot exceed 250 words.

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member with a minimum of 150 words and supported by 1 scholarly reference for your posts. Be constructive and professional.

Week 4 Milestone: Crafting Your Summative Assessment for NSG/517AD

As you approach Week 4 of NSG/517AD: Practicum II at the University of Phoenix, you’re at a pivotal moment in your practicum journey. This week is dedicated to the Summative Assessment, which includes your Project Outcomes and Practicum Project Final Report. This assessment is not just a culmination of the work you’ve done but a reflection of your growth, learning, and the impact of your project on nursing practice.

Understanding the Summative Assessment

The Summative Assessment in Week 4 is a comprehensive evaluation of your entire practicum project. It requires you to:

  • Analyze Project Outcomes: Evaluate the outcomes of your project, discussing both the expected and unexpected results, and the implications for nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Compile the Final Report: Your report should encapsulate the entirety of your practicum experience, from initial planning and implementation to the evaluation of outcomes and recommendations for future projects.

Components of a Stellar Final Report

Creating a compelling Final Report involves several key elements:

  • Introduction: Briefly reintroduce your project, including its objectives and rationale. This sets the stage for the reader.
  • Methodology: Describe the methods used to implement your project and evaluate its outcomes. Be specific about the strategies, tools, and processes you employed.
  • Results: Present the outcomes of your project. Use data, charts, and narratives to illustrate your findings clearly.
  • Discussion: Analyze the significance of your results in the context of nursing practice. Reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and why. Discuss the implications of your findings for future practice.
  • Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarize the key takeaways from your project and propose recommendations based on your findings. Highlight potential areas for further research or practice improvement.

Strategies for Success

To ensure your Summative Assessment and Final Report stand out, consider the following strategies:

  • Start Early: Begin drafting your report early in the week. This allows ample time for revision and refinement.
  • Evidence-Based Analysis: Support your discussions with evidence from current research and literature. This adds credibility and depth to your analysis.
  • Reflective Insight: Offer personal reflections on the project process and its outcomes. Discuss what you learned and how the experience has shaped your professional development.
  • Seek Feedback: Before final submission, seek feedback from peers or mentors. Fresh eyes can offer valuable insights and catch potential oversights.

Utilizing University Resources

Maximize the resources offered by the University of Phoenix to polish your Summative Assessment:

  • Writing Center: Use the Writing Center for guidance on structure, style, and academic integrity.
  • Library Services: The university library is an invaluable resource for finding evidence to support your analysis and recommendations.
  • Faculty Consultation: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructors for clarification or guidance on your final report.


Week 4’s Summative Assessment is your opportunity to showcase the culmination of your hard work, learning, and the impact of your practicum project. By approaching your Project Outcomes and Practicum Project Final Report with diligence, reflection, and strategic use of resources, you can create a document that not only fulfills academic requirements but also contributes valuable insights to the field of nursing. This is your moment to shine, demonstrating not only what you have accomplished but also your potential as a future leader in nursing

Week 5- preparing for your presentation to stakeholders 

Wk 5 Discussion – What Makes a Presentation Enjoyable? [due Thurs]

Discussion Topic

Week 5 Guide: Perfecting Your Practicum Project Final Report Presentation in NSG/517AD

As Week 5 of NSG/517AD: Practicum II unfolds at the University of Phoenix, you’re poised to showcase your practicum journey through the Practicum Project Final Report Presentation. This summative assessment is your platform to highlight the significance of your work, your findings, and the impact of your project on nursing practice and healthcare delivery. A successful presentation not only demonstrates your mastery of the subject but also your ability to engage and inform your audience.

Crafting Your Presentation

A compelling presentation synthesizes the essence of your practicum project into a concise, impactful narrative. Here’s how to ensure your presentation resonates:

  • Start with a Strong Introduction: Begin by setting the context. Briefly introduce your project, its objectives, and why it was necessary.
  • Highlight Key Findings: Summarize the main outcomes of your project, focusing on the most significant findings. Use visuals like charts or graphs to make your data more digestible.
  • Discuss the Impact: Explain how your project contributes to nursing practice or healthcare delivery. Highlight any changes or improvements that resulted from your work.
  • Share Lessons Learned: Reflect on the project process, sharing insights gained and challenges overcome. This adds depth to your presentation and humanizes your journey.
  • Conclude with Recommendations: End by suggesting next steps based on your findings. Offer recommendations for future research or practice changes.

Presentation Tips

Delivering an effective presentation requires careful preparation and delivery. Consider the following tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery. Familiarity with your content will also make you more confident.
  • Engage Your Audience: Use storytelling techniques to make your presentation more engaging. Relate your findings to real-world applications or patient outcomes to draw your audience in.
  • Utilize Visual Aids: Support your narrative with visual aids, but ensure they complement rather than dominate your presentation. Each slide should be clear, concise, and visually appealing.
  • Prepare for Questions: Anticipate questions that might arise and prepare thoughtful responses. Engaging with your audience through Q&A can enhance the impact of your presentation.

Leveraging University Resources

Take advantage of the resources available at the University of Phoenix to refine your presentation:

  • Presentation Workshops: Attend any workshops offered by the university on presentation skills or using presentation software.
  • Faculty Feedback: Seek feedback from your instructors on your presentation draft. They can provide valuable insights to improve your content and delivery.
  • Tech Support: If you’re using digital tools or platforms (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides) for your presentation, ensure you’re comfortable with the technology

Week6-Disseminating the Results 

Wk 6 Discussion – Sustaining Change [due Thurs]

Discussion Topic


Week 6 Wrap-Up: Presenting and Reflecting on Your NSG/517AD Practicum Project

As you enter Week 6 of NSG/517AD: Practicum II at the University of Phoenix, you’re at the final stretch of your practicum journey. This pivotal week involves synthesizing your learning and project outcomes into a cohesive presentation and reflection. The Summative Assessment tasks for this week include delivering your Stakeholder Presentation, crafting a Dissemination Plan for your project findings, finalizing your ePortfolio, and articulating your Practicum Reflection. Each component plays a crucial role in demonstrating your growth, achievements, and the impact of your project.

Stakeholder Presentation

The Stakeholder Presentation is your opportunity to communicate the significance and outcomes of your practicum project to key stakeholders. This presentation should be clear, concise, and compelling, designed to inform and engage your audience.

  • Focus on Key Points: Highlight the objectives, methodology, results, and implications of your project. Tailor your presentation to your audience’s interests and needs.
  • Use Visual Aids: Incorporate slides, charts, and other visual aids to make your presentation more engaging and to effectively convey complex information.
  • Practice Delivery: Rehearse your presentation to refine your delivery and timing. Anticipate questions and prepare thoughtful responses.

Dissemination Plan

Your Dissemination Plan outlines how you intend to share the findings and implications of your practicum project with a broader audience. This plan should identify the target audience, appropriate channels, and strategies for sharing your work.

  • Target Audience: Clearly define who needs to hear about your work and why. This could include healthcare professionals, policy makers, academic peers, or the community.
  • Channels and Methods: Determine the most effective channels for reaching your audience, such as professional conferences, academic journals, social media, or community meetings.
  • Impact Goals: Articulate what you hope to achieve through dissemination, such as influencing practice, informing policy, or contributing to academic discourse.

ePortfolio Update

Your ePortfolio should be a comprehensive reflection of your practicum experience, showcasing your growth, learning, and accomplishments. For Week 6, ensure your ePortfolio is up to date with all relevant materials, including your final project report, presentation, and any additional artifacts that demonstrate your skills and insights.

  • Organize Content: Ensure your ePortfolio is well-organized and easy to navigate, with clear sections for different aspects of your practicum experience.
  • Reflective Summary: Include a final reflective summary that encapsulates your practicum journey, key learnings, challenges overcome, and personal and professional growth.

Practicum Reflection

The Practicum Reflection is a critical piece of your Summative Assessment, providing an opportunity to introspect and articulate what you have learned, how you have grown, and how the experience has shaped your future professional direction.

  • Insights and Learnings: Discuss the most significant insights you’ve gained through the practicum experience and how they have impacted your understanding of nursing practice.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Reflect on the challenges you encountered and how you addressed them, highlighting your problem-solving and resilience.
  • Future Implications: Consider how this practicum experience will influence your future practice, areas of interest, and professional development goals.


Week 6 of NSG/517AD marks the culmination of your intensive practicum journey. It’s a time to celebrate your achievements, share your findings, and reflect on your growth and learning. By thoughtfully preparing your Stakeholder Presentation, Dissemination Plan, ePortfolio, and Practicum Reflection, you not only fulfill the requirements of your Summative Assessment but also set the stage for your future contributions to nursing. Embrace this opportunity to showcase your hard work, insights, and vision for the future of healthcare.